When I can use Index as Key, and when I should generate another value for it
The reason why I ask to remove most of the comments during code review
One of my note when reviewing ReactJS code
A simple way to record your video and audio on browser and download it using Javascript
And could cause frustrations sometime if you don't acknowledge it
Instead of generating zip file and transfer it from your server, why not download data and zip them in your browsers?
We can apply them in other areas as well
Attached the TTY for a command that required input, then detach it to run in the background
Calling to a Cloud Function URL using Golang took me much longer than my expectation.
Sometimes, you may find currying hard to understand and wonder about its application. In this post, I will list some tips which may helpful for you
Currying is sometimes hard to understand or confusing for actual usage. In this article, I will explain what it is and some useful cases.
You will find yourself required to work remotely from home in some cases, especially when the Covid 19 pandemic is covering the world. Below are my tips to boost your productivity
My experiences on logging to GCP Kubernetes that hopefully to be helpful for you as well
Here are reasons why
Deploy smart contract to local blockchain using Truffle and Ganache
Get started with creating smart contract on Ethereum Block Chain.